Taylor Agency will be closed on Monday, February 19th in observance of President’s Day. We will return to normal business at 8:30am on Tuesday, February 20th.

Taylor Agency Staff
2018: Adulting into the New Year
Happy New Year, Millennials! Hopefully as 2018 kicks off, one of your resolutions is improving your Adulting skills. Well, insurance is about adult as it gets. Check out this article from Odyssey, Adulting: Everything You Need To Know About Insurance. Then, give us a call (843-762-1805), so we can check one more thing off your list instead of having you stressed all year long.
Charleston Snowbirds
With Charleston, SC ranked as the #1 travel destination internationally for the past two years by Travel Magazine, tons of snowbirds “flock” to the Holy City from all across the nation during the winter months. For you snowbirds headed our way, here’s how to winterize your home while you are away from home! Happy “nesting” to you during the Holidays!
How Your Insurance Score Affects Your Auto and Home Insurance
WARNING: Bad credit definitely affects the cost of your insurance! How? Insurance carriers calculate your insurance score when quoting a price and your credit factors into that equation. Learn how to lower your premiums, Insurance Scores: What You Should Know (linked article provided by Progressive Insurance).
Ready for your Hurricane Claims
Taylor Agency is ready to help you report your hurricane claims to your carrier. To speed up the claims process, most carriers ask you to report to them directly. Search for Your Carrier Claims Number or call us now at 1-843-762-1805.
Hurricane Irma: Be Ready
As Hurricane Irma approaches the US with CAT 5 potential of 150+ mph winds, total destruction of non-concrete buildings, and months without power, you need to be proactively prepared for survival. Open this article for the critical information/links that you need right now.
LEARN what to expect. PREPARE yourself and family. Travel to SAFETY. WAIT patiently for a safe return. ASSESS any losses. REPORT your claim. DOCUMENT everything with receipts and pictures. PREVENT any further loss while waiting for your claim.
-The Expected Level of Destruction from a CAT 5 Hurricane – http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutsshws.php
-Locate and Understand your Flood Zone – https://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/
-DOWNLOAD the FEMA Hurricane/Flood Smart Phone App – https://www.fema.gov/mobile-app
-How to Prepare for a Hurricane – http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/prepare/ready.php
-Evacuation Live 5 Local News Updates – http://www.live5news.com/
-How to Recover from a Hurricane – https://www.epa.gov/natural-disasters/hurricanes
-Emergency Damage Control Tips: Water – https://tayloragency.com/emergency-damage-control-tips-water/
-Assessing Flood Damage – https://tayloragency.com/recovering-after-a-flood/
-Claims/Disaster Recovery Specific for You, Our Client – https://tayloragency.com/client-services/claims-payments/
-Emergency Damage Control Tips: Water – https://tayloragency.com/emergency-damage-control-tips-water/